RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge
Published in Kaggle, 2021
Classify the presence and correct placement of tubes on chest x-rays to save lives
Evaluation metric
Modified version of the Laplace Log Likelihood.
- Detect Catheter on Chest Xrays into Endotracheal tube, Nasogastric catheter, CVC
- Detect is the catheter in Normal(functionally), Abnormal(Needs to be replaced) or boderline
Classification problem with 14 classes.
Data provided -
40,000 images, along with binary labels for
StudyInstanceUID - unique ID for each image
ETT - Abnormal - endotracheal tube placement abnormal
ETT - Borderline - endotracheal tube placement borderline abnormal
ETT - Normal - endotracheal tube placement normal
NGT - Abnormal - nasogastric tube placement abnormal
NGT - Borderline - nasogastric tube placement borderline abnormal
NGT - Incompletely Imaged - nasogastric tube placement inconclusive due to imaging
NGT - Normal - nasogastric tube placement borderline normal
CVC - Abnormal - central venous catheter placement abnormal
CVC - Borderline - central venous catheter placement borderline abnormal
CVC - Normal - central venous catheter placement normal
Swan Ganz Catheter Present
PatientID - unique ID for each patient in the dataset
Evalution metrics - AUC-ROC
Approach used -
Average weighted ensemble of DenseNet and EfficientNet models
Feature engineering and selection
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