RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge

1 minute read

Published in Kaggle, 2021

Competition webpage


Classify the presence and correct placement of tubes on chest x-rays to save lives

Evaluation metric

Modified version of the Laplace Log Likelihood.


  1. Detect Catheter on Chest Xrays into Endotracheal tube, Nasogastric catheter, CVC
  2. Detect is the catheter in Normal(functionally), Abnormal(Needs to be replaced) or boderline

Classification problem with 14 classes.

Data provided -

40,000 images, along with binary labels for

StudyInstanceUID - unique ID for each image
ETT - Abnormal - endotracheal tube placement abnormal
ETT - Borderline - endotracheal tube placement borderline abnormal
ETT - Normal - endotracheal tube placement normal
NGT - Abnormal - nasogastric tube placement abnormal
NGT - Borderline - nasogastric tube placement borderline abnormal
NGT - Incompletely Imaged - nasogastric tube placement inconclusive due to imaging
NGT - Normal - nasogastric tube placement borderline normal
CVC - Abnormal - central venous catheter placement abnormal
CVC - Borderline - central venous catheter placement borderline abnormal
CVC - Normal - central venous catheter placement normal
Swan Ganz Catheter Present
PatientID - unique ID for each patient in the dataset

Evalution metrics - AUC-ROC

Approach used -

Average weighted ensemble of DenseNet and EfficientNet models

Feature engineering and selection

| Normal |


Normal Normal Normal | Normal

